Have an escape artist on your hands? Wondering why your furball is *always* hungry? Looking for indoor activities for energetic hounds on rainy days? We’ve got the inside scoop.
We’re pet obsessed. We go out of our way to understand what makes your four-legged friend tick. Our editorial hub explores all the weird and wonderful ways our pets communicate with us, celebrates the joyful chaos of pet ownership and helps you keep your furry friend happy and healthy. So whether you’ve got a little kitten you’ve just brought home or an old dog you’re trying to teach new tricks, we’ve got you covered.

How to toilet train a kitten
Not sure how to toilet train a kitten? We’ve broken down how to litter train a kitten into three simple...

How to control dog hair shedding
If you have a shedding dog, staying on top of its hair can feel relentless. One day you vacuum every...

Why is my cat always hungry?
Wondering ‘Why is my cat always hungry?’ You’re not alone. Meowing before – and during and after – mealtime is...

What’s on the menu? Here’s what dogs can and can't eat
Although your furry friend is often treated like another member of the family – and rightly so, they rule the...

How to keep your dog safe in the summer heat
Summer can get heckin’ hot for your hound. Here’s how to keep your dog safe in the summer heat without...